If you don't find the answers you are looking for, please email us or call with your questions (734) 788-8635.
The gradient is not applied to the company name text by the online system. A professional designer will make this addition to your document after your order has been submitted. Your proof copy and the preview on the screen will show the company name text in solid black or white depending upon the individual document. Rest assured the company name text will utilize the proper color family gradient fill in the final product. If you wish for the company name text to be filled in something other than the color family gradient please note this with your order.
The system accepts TIF, JPG (JPEG) and PDF formats from MAC or PC created platforms. (EPS format can be used ONLY if they have a "tif preview". If you're not familiar enough to create this or lack the proper software, please use one of the formats listed above.
Company logo files should be at least 3" x 3" at 300 DPI. Typically, this means a JPEG file size of at least 200Kb. Logos copied from Internet web pages are usually too small for printing purposes.
The document color choice option allows you to select the same document in six different color options so you can better match the document styling to your logo or store colors.
Text, or copy, on the document can be changed by editing the associated variable data field listed on the document page. You can change all of the copy in a field by deleting the default copy and typing in your desired wording. Or, you can change just some of the copy by replacing selections of the default copy. The preview window will update to reflect the changes when you tab or click out of the variable data field.
The automatic preview window at the bottom of the page will show you a thumbnail of your modified document every time you make a change. Click the view or refresh preview link below the thumbnail image to see a larger preview. A new window will open showing your customized document in detail. By leaving the preview window open and clicking the view or refresh preview you can see you changes as you make them.
Yes, simply send us a PDF or Word document containing your desired copy. Please be very specific about what copy goes where and on what page so our designers can make the changes for you in an efficient manner. Include any necessary photos you want placed and note which page and in what position (if multiple placeholders) they belong.
We are a full featured design and print shop. We can change any of the available templates to suit your needs or even create an entirely new document if you wish. Please email us or call (734) 788-8635 for professional design services.